

Landsat7 Scan Line Corrector (SLC) malfunctioning results in lack of data in some part of images. Different methods for replacement of these missing data are suggested. Depending on the application, these methods have different validities. Most of these methods are statistical and are not applicable to some application. Assessment of Evapo-Transpiration (ET), using SEBAL algorithm and satellite imageries in the regions not so vast is an example of this application. In the presented method, the NDVI data from LIS-III sensor will be used for replacement of the missing ETM+ data. In this method for correct comparison between data from these two sensors, use has been made from resampling pixels of 1 by 1 meter. This could be done once in a region of an image as a prototype. Then the resulting algorithm could be used for the replacement of missing data in the rest of image.
Keywords: Image Processing, Landsat7, SLC, 7ETM+, Evapotranspiration
