

The Caspian Sea Water Level Fluctuation (CSWLF) has an important role in reclaiming land from the sea as wall as flooding in the coastal zone.
At present, laws relating to the Caspian coastal zone are not efficient for the Iranian coast, since the CSWLE has risen about 2.4m the past 18 years and flooded about 778 km2 of Iranian coastal zone.
Results of studies from Caspian water level indicate the maximum range of the historical period of oscillation at 13.6m and the maximum range of the observation period at 4.42m; hence the maximum surge storm with a return period of 100 years is about 1.47m.
Therefore a strategy for stable development in the coastal zone is necessary. We suggest that the coastal zone should be divided in to 4 bounds. From the nearest to the sea respectively would be designated hazard bounds, next the emergency bounds, then the semi-secure bounds, and finally the secure bounds in the coastal management program agende.
Keywords: Caspian Sea,Water level, fluctuation, Surye, Storm, historical period, of fluctuation, fluctuation, Four bounds