

This paper is concerned academically with theoretically scientific contexts of human development indices that are available in our current geography. Addisionally, it would be also an empirical study to analyze the status of Iran’s provinces in new pointing of development and human welfare’s variation. A general discussion concerning the regional - nationd measures are prepared and rural aspects are accordingly emphasized at the whole paper. Firstly, at the study of our state’s ecenomic system’s subdivizions, there would be including of topics such as economic development welfare, physical quality of life index, and gross national pooduct. Secondly, Iran’s social system has been considered the followings provincially: demographie age-sex ratios, adult literacy rates and health and its selated issues (total mortalities, lite expectancy at births, infant mortality rates, and physicians for numbers of persons). Thirdly, in view pointing of political system’s study. numbers of radios per 1000 inhabitants are examined provincially. It is hoped that our rural areas be fulfilled by human welfare considerations
