In carrying out the plan of organizing Tehran, the suitable spatial allotment of the present bazaars including the fresh fruit and vegetables bazaar has been taken into consideration.
The idea of transferring the fresh fruit and vegetables bazaar from the interior of the city to the new locations emphasizes the necessity of the interrelated supplementary units. Thus, the functional system of the cold stores of Tehran was proposed as one of the most salient supplementary units with a view to predicting the future needs in the form of a research.
After providing a general classification and a density map of the cold stores of Tehran. it was determined that only 19 cold stores of Tehran out of the 32 existing stores offer public services and the remaining 13 are in service of private sections.
The functional relationship and the good capacity of the cold stores which offer public services in relation to the cold stores of the fresh fruit and vegetables bazaar having strong relationship with them are respectively 70% , 50% , 20%.
The occupation coefficient in the activities of the existing cold stores is due to the role the government and the governmentl organizations hold in relation to preserving and storing the food stufs.
The weakness the functional relation between the traditional fruit and vegetables bazaars and the cold - Stores of Tehran with a view to the idea of transferring the mentioned bazaars and their re establishment in the new locations Justifies the establishment of the cold stores s rear the bazaars, rendering the efficient functional relationship necesary.
The population growth as well as the socio—economical factors ill matt. it 25 years shows the growing need for providing and distributing food stuffs including fresh fruit and vegetables for a population twice the present population of Tehran. In other words, the amount of distribution and use of fresh fruit and vegetables, being more than 4 million tons per year. consists of 13000 tons of food stuffs for daily loading and unloading in the cold stores. This amount excepting the damages, the attraction of dealers for the logical location of the cold stores as well as the prediction of replacing the meat and chicken stuffs in new bazaars marks the need for a capacity of 20,000 tons .
Considering toe population growth and the increasing demand in the matter at 25 years, the need for a capacity two times greater the present one is predictable.
To establish new cold stores, the relevant standards of location, structural design and the environmental features based on directives are applicable.
To present a proper and logical way in creating pervasive and supplementary relationship from providing food stuffs to distributing them, the relevant pattern has been designed and presented at the end of the end of this article.