

Our country, because of it’s specific natural terms has varied species of plants, as that in some parts of it there are unusual treesuch as forest mass of hazelnut. Hazelnut tree native growes in Europe, Asia minor, Ghafghaz and Iran, that growes in some parts of north homisphere like Iran and many countries of the world such asTurkey.
Eshkevarat zone in Roodsar has the widest lands of hazelnut and the most of hazelnut production in the country. Hazelnut cultivation in Eshkevarat zone be numerous problems that the sign deficit waterand unused of colours full crops some of the most impottant ones.cultivation and production of hazelnut has many important economica land social too. creation of jobes through attractio of work forcehighering the level of life- expectancy of the rural familes and iseconomical status are some of these effects.
